Questions to ask when looking for a personal injury lawyer

There are some important questions to ask that can give you a better idea of whether you and your lawyer will be a good fit.
Do you represent only plaintiffs?
Firms that specialize in personal injury lawsuits often have more resources to devote to a case than firms that handle a variety of cases (such as criminal defense, civil defense, workers' compensation and environmental law). Statutory and common laws in each state can change rapidly, and trying to keep up with changes in a variety of areas can make it difficult to develop expertise in a particular area.
Personal injury law firms specialise in this area of the law. Dealing with the same types of cases on a daily basis can improve efficiency and potentially increase your financial recovery.
Do you have good reviews?
Even in today's technology-driven society, one of the best ways to get a good idea of a law firm's reputation is to ask around. Word of mouth is one of the most reliable forms of advertising if you are seeking advice from people you trust. Look for reviews online, but also ask others who have had similar claims to yours to see if they have any words of wisdom.
What cases like mine have you dealt with before?
While attorney-client confidentiality may prevent your law firm from sharing names or specific details, your lawyer should be able to discuss some cases they have handled before that have a similar fact pattern to yours. Although past performance does not guarantee future results, knowing what happened in a similar case can give you an idea of what to expect, as well as how your lawyer will move your case forward.
How do you communicate with your clients?
There is no single approach. Some clients prefer to be contacted by their lawyer only when there is news to report or a decision to be made. Others would like to be regularly updated on the progress of their case, regardless of whether anything has happened since the last report. Your lawyer should be able to tell you his or her typical client contact protocol, giving you the information you need to decide whether this is compatible with your communication style.
What steps do you take to settle a case before proceeding to trial?
Settling a case before trial is not always an option (or the best option). However, settlements can offer benefits to both parties. For the defendant, it can bring certainty and finality - settling a case settles all legal claims, which means that the plaintiff cannot come back later and ask for more money. And for the plaintiff, a settlement can avoid the financial and emotional costs of a trial, put money in your pocket now and allow you to move on.
On the other hand, settlement is not always a good idea. The other party or their insurance company may simply not want to pay you the full compensation you deserve. In these situations, it is important to have a lawyer who is prepared to take your case to the mat and fight for your legal rights.
How many of your cases settle?
As part of the settlement or trial calculation, it is important to know the approximate percentage of your lawyer's cases that settle before trial. Nationally, about two out of three personal injury claims settle before trial. If your lawyer tends to settle something closer to nine out of 10 claims, it is worth considering whether that lawyer will proceed to trial if it is warranted. This may not be a disqualifying factor in itself, but it is just something else to consider when deciding whether a law firm is the right one for you.
Will you be the lawyer who handles my case?
Ultimately, your personal injury claim is your story. And it is important to have a high level of confidence in your lawyer to tell your story. You need to be able to match your lawyer, giving them all the information they need to pursue your claim, even if it's not all flattering information. If your case moves from one lawyer to another, or if the person you meet most often is not the one who is arguing your case, it can be difficult to maintain this level of trust. Ideally, the same lawyer or team of lawyers will handle your claim from start to finish.
Keeping these issues in mind when interviewing potential lawyers or law firms to handle your case will give you the tools you need to make the most informed decision possible.
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