Marketing consulting

Every marketing measure is based on a strategy, whether explicit or implicit. We advise you in the areas of marketing, online marketing, marketing strategy, content strategy as well as digital and web analytics.

Before suitable marketing measures can be implemented, a basis for decision-making is needed, which is developed on the basis of a company's objectives. In a marketing strategy, various points are examined and recorded.

The marketing strategy includes Goals and target groups, message and campaigns, own positioning in the market, offer, advertising and communication measures, distribution channels as well as a budget.

Based on these and other points, we work out a tailor-made marketing strategy. It is important to know that there are no simple, general and standardised recipes for success or marketing strategies. Therefore, it is increasingly becoming a challenge for companies to work out long-term strategies - not least because the internet is enormously fast-moving.

Digital and Web Analytics
Digital and web analytics provides answers to countless questions. The basic aim of digital analytics is to simplify decisions for adjustments and optimisations of online marketing campaigns, websites, online shops, newsletters because they can be made on the basis of data.

With digital analytics, you can find out who your visitors are and how they behave. With the right conclusions from the analysed data, you can make adjustments to structures, content or design to achieve your goals.

Digital Creators also supports you in the implementation of tracking tools, the evaluation and collection of data and the right conclusions.

The content strategy is the basis for successful and sustainable content marketing. It is based on the search behaviour of your company's target groups and on a keyword analysis. In this way, you ensure that the planning, creation and distribution of content are coordinated.

A content strategy must be created across all channels. Because this way, all online and offline measures are included.

Digital Creators helps you create a content strategy and implement the planned measures. We pay particular attention to existing data, the search behaviour of the target groups as well as existing content and the goals that want to be achieved.

Operating social media channels sounds easy, as almost everyone uses social media in some way. However, it is important for companies to think strategically before using it.

Questions to ask in a social media strategy include: how should your company communicate on social media, how is the competition positioned, what resources can you use, where is the target group active on social media?

We help you to work out the appropriate social media strategy to achieve your goals.

Strategic planning services