How to understand the information contained in the Akashic Annals.

The readings state that one can only obtain a truly valid interpretation for oneself or others by remaining true to the principle: "If you keep my commandments, I will love you, dwell with you, and remind you of all things from the foundation of the world."
Many elements were involved, such as his own physical condition, the suggestion he was given when he was in the unconscious state, the mental attitude of the people in the room. They had to maintain a sincere desire to help the individual for whom the reading was being given. Thus, sometimes Cayce did not have the desired information, or refused to communicate its content because it could hinder the free will of the person concerned, that the time was not right to reveal it or that too many external factors came into play.
The readings state that everyone writes their own life story in the Akashic Annals. In 1934, Edgar Cayce said to his listeners during a meeting: "Do not imagine that your existence is not written in the Book of God's memory. I have seen it! Everything is recorded in it, and you yourselves are the authors.
According to the readings, it is an "etheric energy" comparable to that of the thought waves.
how to access the akashic records
The Akashic Annals have a triple nature:
They contain the past, with all our talents, experiences, desires, positive and negative tendencies.
- In the present, they offer us the opportunity to learn the lessons necessary for the development of our soul and to accomplish what we are meant to achieve in this incarnation. However, we are still free to accept growth or, on the contrary, to regress.
- They also address the possibilities of the future. These are based on past data, our present choices and how we apply what we know.
It should be emphasised that the knowledge of our past lives is only of value insofar as we learn from it to take on our present incarnation and continue our evolution.
We need to finish what is left unfinished and to overcome the unresolved problems.
At any given moment, the Akashic Annals provide the experiences and relationships we need in order to progress on the spiritual path and answer the fundamental question, "Who am I? They make things happen at the right time. Therefore, everything the soul experiences happens for a reason. It is up to us to accept the lessons that are offered to us. If we neglect them, they will occur again, in a different way, until we master them.
The readings emphasise the important role of free will. They explain that in the beginning we were given the power to choose for ourselves by the Creator.
They state: "No experience, no impulse, no external circumstance overrides the will of the entity. So we cannot speak of "destiny" because our future, by no means fixed in advance, is in constant metamorphosis. Indeed, we create and shape our future by our successive decisions. The choices we make lead us to various sets of possible or probable experiences.
Some lead to growth, personal transformation and ultimately happiness, while others lead to adversity. However, even when we are involved in a 'bad' choice, we can continue to evolve spiritually if we adopt the right attitude. In any case, the readings much prefer a wrong choice to passive waiting, for we grow only through movement and activity.
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Day by day, choice by choice, we are responsible for the life we lead. And each decision is recorded in our Annals, generating new situations that may arise.
We often tend to think of ourselves as victims of people or circumstances. We don't want to admit that we are always facing ourselves in life.
Cayce humorously replied to a person who specifically asked him during a reading if he would get sick in March: "If you are looking forward to it, you can be sick in February. If you want to skip March, skip it and you will be sick in June. If you wish to skip June, you may not be sick at all this year."
Nothing surpasses free will. Edgar Cayce said that anyone who positively used his will, putting it to work for his fellow man, would overcome hardship and change his life for the better.
Cayce never told people what to do, so as not to interfere with their free will. He encouraged them to listen to their deepest feelings and to take into account their beliefs. He told them that whatever they did altruistically would help them to develop. On the other hand, selfish designs or the pursuit of their own glory would lead to other pitfalls, frustrations and troubles.
Only when the path has been fully traversed, every problem solved and the ego forgotten, will the soul unite with God while retaining awareness of its individuality.
Each cycle of each part is recorded in the Unified Field of Consciousness. Thus, the Unified Field of Consciousness can be represented as a gigantic Library of Light which is totally conscious, which knows everything about the cycles of each of its parts.