10 facts about nicotine that will surprise you

Nicotine against obesity
It is nothing new that smokers are afraid of gaining weight when they want to quit smoking. The fact is that smokers usually weigh less than non-smokers. But a study found that nicotine is also an appetite suppressant that simply makes us eat less. (Source: Sciencemag.org)
Nicotine delays arthritis
Well, this study was only done on mice. But it is a fact: nicotine can delay the development of arthritis. (Source: Biomedcentral.com)
Nicotine against depression
The researchers at Duke University Medical Center found that nicotine stimulates certain areas in the brain, which then leads to the release of serotonin and dopamine. Now, we certainly shouldn't all be running around with nicotine patches to feel happy, but it is another approach to reap the benefits of nicotine in its pure form.
Nicotine for bowel disease
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. There are several studies and tests that show that this disease can be treated with nicotine.
Nicotine against the progression of Alzheimer's disease
Nicotine also helps with one of the cruellest diseases we know. Although there is no cure for Alzheimer's, nicotine can at least slow the progression of the disease or improve the condition of the sufferer. cuvie plus
Nicotine against Parkinson's
The same effect that the "nerve poison" has on Alzheimer's patients, it also has on another disease: Parkinson's disease. Here, too, studies that have been known for many years show that nicotine may not stop this disease, but it can at least slow it down.
Nicotine against Tourette's syndrome
We stay in medicine: after injecting small doses of nicotine, it was shown that Tourette's patients suffered far less often from a severe seizure.
Nicotine against schizophrenia
It has long been known among doctors that patients with schizophrenia are smokers far more often than healthy people. One theory deals with the unconscious self-medication that these patients carry out by smoking. It is now clear that nicotine can have a positive influence on schizophrenia.
Nicotine in ADHD
Nicotine as a medicine and no end in sight: Even in the case of attention deficit disorder (ADHD), which is not curable, it turned out that nicotine has a positive influence on the patients' well-being. Please do not tempt your children to smoke!
Nicotine as a stimulant
Finally, a more well-known fact about nicotine: nicotine can increase attention and memory in the short term.
Of course, we are not talking about nicotine that we ingest when smoking tobacco cigarettes and/or e-liquid. But nicotine is not a carcinogenic substance, for example, as is often claimed, and behind the deadly neurotoxin there may be a medicine that can help to end or at least alleviate many diseases in the world.